Big Tech’s Growing Interest in Clinical Trial Marketing
Alphabet’s Verily is partnering with major pharma companies, marking an industry-wide shift toward patient-centric trial design and strategic digital patient recruitment.
4 Ways Mobile Technology is Transforming Clinical Trials
mHealth is providing researchers with increased opportunities for data collection, patient engagement, and trial recruitment.
Deloitte Releases Timeline for Implementing Digital Technology in Clinical Trials at Scale
New technology promises to increase efficiency and boost patient recruitment, but its adoption is projected to be a slow process. Here’s what CROs and sponsors can expect.
How EHRs Can Help Improve Patient Recruitment and Enrollment Outcomes for Clinical Trials
Electronic health records have streamlined data collection for medical professionals across the industry – can they benefit clinical research as well?
Will Blockchain Solve the Patient Recruitment Problem for Clinical Trials?
Blockchain technology could help unclog the patient recruitment pipeline for clinical trials in the future – here’s what you need to know.
Clinical Trial Technology Will Continue to Evolve In 2018
What will clinical trial tech bring in 2018? Here are some of our predictions.
Microsoft Wants to Use Digital Technology to Improve Clinical Trial Efficiency
Another tech giant is entering the clinical trial market with the hopes of accelerating the drug development process.
AI, Drones, and Holograms: The Exciting Future of Clinical Trials
The future of clinical trials may sound like science fiction, but it’s closer to becoming a reality than you might think.