From studies in the New England Journal of Medicine to this touching report in the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, studies continue to show that one of the greatest motivators for patient participation in clinical trials is the individual’s desire to be a part of medical breakthroughs and help improve the healthcare system not only for themselves or loved ones, but for society in general.
And while this may sound a bit altruistic at first, a striving for better, exploring new ideas, and the desire to be a part of something that propels mankind forward, is one of the innate qualities that make us all human. Proudly advertising the benefits and pivotal possibilities through searchable, online and mobile promotion opens up an abundance of opportunities in the world of both medical marketing and achievement in the field as a whole.
As researchers, we may have been working on studies for years before even marketing a clinical trial to a patient population. Our personal “wonderment” of the process may have waned over time. Participants are seeing these possibilities for the first time. And they must buy into the dream.
It is imperative to revive and emphasize our own raw excitement and inspiration when going through the four Ps of a marketing plan, Product, Place, Price and Promotion. Educate and engage the patient pool every step of the way. Boast about past successes, no matter how small, and highlight how they may play into the bigger medical picture over time.
Show potential participants the human side of the study, from the people on the research team to the patients who may benefit from the outcomes. Invite them to connect via Facebook, Twitter, and other local networks where information can be exchanged on a platform that they are more personally comfortable with. While the study may not involve technology directly, it’s important for participants to feel that the team is on the cutting edge of today’s interconnected society both in and outside the medical field.
While invoking the power of active promotion may not feel natural to many researchers, do not confuse any initial hesitation with a lack of importance. Multiple studies show that online marketing initiatives have a lower cost per referral and make for significant ongoing program improvements. This increase in optimal recruitment stems from a combination of easily accessible information, self-propelled excitement and pride of being involved in the transformative world of clinical trials.
As medical researchers, we are visionaries. Always seeking out the next breakthrough or discovery. We must remember to reconnect with the stimulating passion of discovery that drew us initially to the field, and pass on that feeling of motivation and limitless possibilities to potential participants.
A sincere depiction of what makes the trial special and important will ultimately attract a pool of participants who are engaged, reliable and ultimately a part of a successful team.

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