Case Studies

Explore SubjectWell Case Studies

Discover how SubjectWell’s solutions have solved the most significant challenges in our industry.

Ensuring diversity in a Large Type II diabetes study
SubjectWell’s targeted recruitment strategy ensured a diverse and representative patient population for a large Type 2 diabetes study, surpassing diversity goals for patients over 65 and increasing Black patient enrollment beyond expectations.
Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Recruitment Success
SubjectWell’s guided recruitment accelerated enrollment for two ADHD clinical trials, bringing in Last Patient In up to four months earlier than site-only recruitment and delivering 164 randomizations.

“Of the many vendors we’ve worked with our Site has received the highest quality candidates for our more difficult-to-enroll studies from SubjectWell.”

- Site Director

Accelerate your recruitment today

SubjectWell is here to help you reach, recruit, and retain the patients you need for a successful clinical trial. Schedule a demo to see how SubjectWell+ can support your clinical study’s patient recruitment goals.