Promote Your Research Departments, Promote Your Clinical Trial
The successful marketing of your clinical trial can make or break a product launch. But let’s face it: clinical trials are not always the easiest sell. By focusing on promoting not just your clinical trial, but also your research department and overall “brand,” you gain enhanced opportunities to engage and retain clinical trial participants.
3 Ways to Keep Patients Engaged During Long-term Clinical Trials
The process of bringing a drug to market can be a very long journey. According to the American Cancer Society, it takes about eight years on average for a cancer drug to make the journey from clinical trials to FDA approval.
Creating the Ultimate App for Your Clinical Trial
Mobile devices are rapidly changing the way people seek information. In fact, in February 2014, more Americans used smartphones and tablet apps to access the Internet than personal computers for the first time in history.
Holding Down Costs for Clinical Trial Recruitment
The costs of patient recruitment and retention are often under-recognized when budgeting for clinical trials. In an article published in International Pharmaceutical Industry in February 2013, Elio Evangelista of Cutting Edge Information stated that, “In today’s competitive pharmaceutical industry, the contest to recruit patients into clinical trials may be fiercer than the race to discover […]
4 Challenges of Clinical Trial Recruitment and How to Overcome Them
Patient recruitment and retention are two critical factors in today’s clinical trials. Successful communication that results in a qualified pool of applicants, along with a high rate of participant retention, can lead to useful trial results which can propel a product or prescription medication to the top of the industry. Poorly implemented marketing and recruitment […]
Lessons to Be Learned for Clinical Trials
FHI 360 , a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions, published a Communications Handbook for Clinical Trials: Strategies, Tips, And Tools To Manage Controversy, Convey Your Message, And Disseminate Results . FHI 360 serves more than 60 countries.
Avoid These Top Three Mistakes in Clinical Trial Marketing
Clinical trial marketing is a very important component in successfully bringing a new medical device or pharmaceutical product to market. Business revenue and reputation both ride on the marketer’s success in attracting a significant pool of eligible applicants and maintaining contact with participants throughout the course of the trial. Additional audiences, such as doctors and […]