Archive: Mobile Healthcare

The Rise of Decentralized Clinical Trials Is Disrupting Traditional Patient Recruitment

Author: parexcel
Posted: April 14th, 2021

Buzz about decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) and hybrid designs has been around for years; however, it took the in-person restrictions brought about by COVID-19 to accelerate their adoption. The major advantages of DCTs – untethered recruiting from physical site locations, patient-centric accommodations, integration of modern technology – all drastically affect the role of sites in

5 Solutions for Missed Clinical Trial Appointments

Posted: September 4th, 2019

Digital technologies can improve patients’ attendance of clinical trial appointments, or even reduce the need for regular appointments altogether.

Johnson & Johnson Gears Up for Fully Virtual Clinical Trial

Posted: April 3rd, 2019

Johnson & Johnson is teaming up with Apple for an important telemedicine initiative. How will their innovative approach impact the future of clinical trials?

Who Benefits from Introducing Digital Health into Clinical Trials?

Posted: January 23rd, 2019

Patients, physicians, and researchers all have something to gain from digital health. Here’s how CROs and sponsors can overcome key obstacles to integrate connected technology into clinical trials.

FDA’s MyStudies App Marks a Milestone for Mobile Data in Clinical Trials

Posted: November 14th, 2018

The FDA’s new healthcare app takes a patient-centric approach to collecting data for clinical trials.

FDA Finalizes Guidelines on Using EHRs in Clinical Trials

Author: tdower
Posted: August 1st, 2018

New FDA guidelines on electronic health records clear the way for clinical trials to benefit from streamlined patient data.

4 Ways Mobile Technology is Transforming Clinical Trials

Posted: June 20th, 2018

mHealth is providing researchers with increased opportunities for data collection, patient engagement, and trial recruitment.

Deloitte Releases Timeline for Implementing Digital Technology in Clinical Trials at Scale

Posted: May 23rd, 2018

New technology promises to increase efficiency and boost patient recruitment, but its adoption is projected to be a slow process. Here’s what CROs and sponsors can expect.

AI, mHealth Adoption in Clinical Trials Remains Slow

Posted: March 14th, 2018

Patient recruitment and retention for clinical trials have always been difficult, but AI and mHealth can help – if sponsors and CROs are willing to invest in them.

Has the Fully Digital Clinical Trial Finally Arrived?

Posted: December 13th, 2017

A fully digital clinical trial – where patients can participate from the comfort of their home – seems like a pipe dream. But as it turns out, it might not be.