Archive: Online Marketing

Shifting Best Practices in Clinical Trial Recruitment

Posted: August 24th, 2016

In order to reduce costs while improving enrollment outcomes, clinical trial sponsors need to start thinking outside the box.

Want More Quality Clinical Trial Recruits? Fix Your Website

Posted: February 23rd, 2016

When it comes to finding clinical trial candidates online, getting your message in front of the right people is half the battle – which means your website must be designed with its audience in mind. At the end of the day, potential participants won’t spend any time on your page if they don’t like what

2016 Trends for Digital Recruitment in Clinical Trials

Posted: January 26th, 2016

Clinical trial recruiters have an ongoing (and ever-growing) need to find and retain new trial participants. Here are some new digital marketing techniques that are revolutionizing how CROs and program coordinators engage with patients and bolstering the ROI on their marketing spend.

Holding Down Costs for Clinical Trial Recruitment

Posted: June 25th, 2014

The costs of patient recruitment and retention are often under-recognized when budgeting for clinical trials. In an article published in International Pharmaceutical Industry in February 2013, Elio Evangelista of Cutting Edge Information stated that, “In today’s competitive pharmaceutical industry, the contest to recruit patients into clinical trials may be fiercer than the race to discover

How to Use Internet Marketing to Promote Your Clinical Trial

Posted: June 4th, 2014

Getting good participation in your clinical trial not only helps people get access to the latest drugs and medical procedures, but having a varied cross section of people in your trial helps increase its statistical validity.

Digital Recruitment for Clinical Trials

Author: tdower
Posted: April 30th, 2014

There are many trends which are shaping the development of clinical trial recruitment – increased regulation, emerging markets, provider consolidation, and changing participant demographics – but perhaps none is quite so crucial as the advancement of the digital age. As more patients use online methods to find healthcare information, the next generation of clinical trial

The Importance of Clear Communications in Clinical Trial Marketing

Posted: April 11th, 2014

We place great emphasis on the importance of clear communications – employees attend seminars, couples work with counselors, politicians hold “town hall” meetings – all in the name of improving communications, but sometimes this is easier said than done. This is especially true in clinical trial marketing because of the different target audiences such as

Increase Clinical Trial Recruitment With an Integrated Marketing Strategy

Author: tdower
Posted: March 27th, 2014

Successful clinical trial recruitment can result in study results that help propel a medical product or drug into the national awareness. On the other hand, difficulty in clinical trial recruitment can result in poor results or higher costs for the trial. Those conducting clinical trials need to communicate to a number of audiences to increase

Recruiting for Clinical Trials Using Business Marketing Techniques

Author: tdower
Posted: March 11th, 2014

Since medical and pharmaceutical industries can generate billions of dollars in revenue with successful introductions, clinical trials are a crucial component in bringing new products to market. Positive results are used as a springboard for nationwide marketing campaigns and polished sales presentations. These aspirations may remain unfulfilled however if the clinical trial fails to attract

Online Marketing Strategies for Clinical Trial Recruitment

Author: tdower
Posted: February 11th, 2014

Attracting and enrolling qualified candidates is the key to conducting successful clinical trials. Having a significant base of candidates increases the opportunity for statistically significant results. The initial pool must be large enough to allow for rejection and drop-outs, while still assuring ample participants for the trial. Unfortunately, difficulty in recruiting sufficient potential participants is