Archive: Patient Education

The Call to Increase Patient Awareness About Clinical Research Opportunities

Posted: June 7th, 2017

As the pace of drug development continues to ramp up, clinical trials can’t depend solely on physician referrals.

Patient Centricity in Clinical Trials Explained, Pt. III

Posted: March 8th, 2017

Part three of our four-part series on patient centricity in clinical trials: How does a patient-centric approach actually improve recruitment and retention outcomes?

Clinical Trials Have an Awareness Problem – Here’s What We Can Do About It

Posted: February 1st, 2017

The majority of patients today are either unaware or misinformed when it comes to clinical trials – it’s time for the industry to level-up its education and engagment efforts.

Clinical Trial Recruitment Success Demands a Patient-First Approach

Posted: October 20th, 2016

In the age of the empowered patient, engagement and education across a wide range of digital platforms is key.