2016 Trends for Digital Recruitment in Clinical Trials

Clinical trial recruiters have an ongoing (and ever-growing) need to find and retain new trial participants. Here are some new digital marketing techniques that are revolutionizing how CROs and program coordinators engage with patients and bolstering the ROI on their marketing spend.

Twitter and #ClinicalTrialMarketing: The Hashtag Revolution

  By now, just about everybody has run into a hashtag on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. These pithy mini-monikers allow users to share related information and have conversations about particular subjects. Hashtags, at the most basic level, connect users with similar interests.

5 Things to Know About Recruiting E-Patients for Your Clinical Trial

While we are undeniably living in the era of the e-patient, many clinical trial managers remain committed to traditional recruiting methods. Unfortunately, this antiquated approach is not helping struggling enrollment numbers. So what can you do to transform this new breed of healthcare consumer into clinical trial participants? Let’s take a closer look at five […]

Clinical Trial Marketing: 4 Steps for Getting Started on Facebook

There’s an old adage in marketing that says you have to go where the people are. In days past, patients relied on doctors to provide information about clinical trials, and, often, doctors failed to share this information with their patients. Today, more and more patients are turning to the Internet rather than doctors for information […]

Is Social Media Part of Your Clinical Trial Recruitment Strategies?

If you’re struggling with low patient enrollment in your clinical trials, you’re not alone: a staggering 85 percent of drug trials are delayed due to lack of enrollment. With enrollment rates continuing to drop even as more clinical trials are being conducted, the imperative is clear: clinical trial coordinators must seek new approaches in order […]

Clinical Trial Recruitment Considerations for 2015

As a time of reflection, a new year affords clinical trial recruiters the opportunity to look back on what worked well in 2014, and ponder what lies ahead for 2015. Here are some points that will need to be taken into consideration when thinking about strategy changes for the upcoming year: