Archive: Patient Engagement How Patient Centricity and Digital Technologies Are Improving Clinical Trial Outcomes Author: Posted: January 17th, 2018 Categories: Patient centricity has become a best practice for clinical trials – here’s how to use digital tech to make it happen. Understanding Why Patients Drop Out of Clinical Trials Author: Posted: December 20th, 2017 Categories: Why do so many patients drop out of clinical trials? As it turns out, we can’t fix the ongoing patient retention problem without knowing the answer. Patient Centricity: Clinical Trial Buzzword or Best Practice? Author: Posted: December 6th, 2017 Categories: New technology can improve the clinical trial experience for participants, but are sponsors and CROs on board with patient centricity? The FDA Just Approved the First Smart Pill – What Does This Mean for Clinical Trials? Author: Posted: November 22nd, 2017 Categories: Digital pills and other mHealth technologies can improve patient adherence, reduce costs, and shorten enrollment timelines for clinical trials. New Study Reveals Reason for Lack of Minority Participation in Clinical Trials Author: Posted: September 27th, 2017 Categories: What’s the largest barrier to clinical trial participation for minority patients? You might be surprised. Measuring the ROI of Patient Centricity in Clinical Trials Author: Posted: July 12th, 2017 Categories: Patient centricity has become a best practice for the clinical trial industry – but how do you go about measuring the return on patient engagement? New Survey Highlights Need for Better Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials Author: Posted: June 14th, 2017 Categories: A new survey indicates that when it comes to patient engagement in clinical research, there’s still a lot of room for improvement. The Call to Increase Patient Awareness About Clinical Research Opportunities Author: Posted: June 7th, 2017 Categories: As the pace of drug development continues to ramp up, clinical trials can’t depend solely on physician referrals. Why Using a Local Advertising Agency is Less Relevant in a Digital World Author: Posted: May 31st, 2017 Categories: Should medical organizations still rely on local advertising agencies to run their digital campaigns? The Negative Financial Impact of Patient Nonadherence in Clinical Trials Author: Posted: April 26th, 2017 Categories: Patient nonadherence costs the clinical trial industry millions – but innovative new technologies may be able to help.
Archive: Patient Engagement How Patient Centricity and Digital Technologies Are Improving Clinical Trial Outcomes Author: Posted: January 17th, 2018 Categories: Patient centricity has become a best practice for clinical trials – here’s how to use digital tech to make it happen. Understanding Why Patients Drop Out of Clinical Trials Author: Posted: December 20th, 2017 Categories: Why do so many patients drop out of clinical trials? As it turns out, we can’t fix the ongoing patient retention problem without knowing the answer. Patient Centricity: Clinical Trial Buzzword or Best Practice? Author: Posted: December 6th, 2017 Categories: New technology can improve the clinical trial experience for participants, but are sponsors and CROs on board with patient centricity? The FDA Just Approved the First Smart Pill – What Does This Mean for Clinical Trials? Author: Posted: November 22nd, 2017 Categories: Digital pills and other mHealth technologies can improve patient adherence, reduce costs, and shorten enrollment timelines for clinical trials. New Study Reveals Reason for Lack of Minority Participation in Clinical Trials Author: Posted: September 27th, 2017 Categories: What’s the largest barrier to clinical trial participation for minority patients? You might be surprised. Measuring the ROI of Patient Centricity in Clinical Trials Author: Posted: July 12th, 2017 Categories: Patient centricity has become a best practice for the clinical trial industry – but how do you go about measuring the return on patient engagement? New Survey Highlights Need for Better Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials Author: Posted: June 14th, 2017 Categories: A new survey indicates that when it comes to patient engagement in clinical research, there’s still a lot of room for improvement. The Call to Increase Patient Awareness About Clinical Research Opportunities Author: Posted: June 7th, 2017 Categories: As the pace of drug development continues to ramp up, clinical trials can’t depend solely on physician referrals. Why Using a Local Advertising Agency is Less Relevant in a Digital World Author: Posted: May 31st, 2017 Categories: Should medical organizations still rely on local advertising agencies to run their digital campaigns? The Negative Financial Impact of Patient Nonadherence in Clinical Trials Author: Posted: April 26th, 2017 Categories: Patient nonadherence costs the clinical trial industry millions – but innovative new technologies may be able to help.