How Recruitment in Clinical Trials Benefits from a Personalized Approach

From studies in the New England Journal of Medicine to this touching report in the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, studies continue to show that one of the greatest motivators for patient participation in clinical trials is the individual’s desire to be a part of medical breakthroughs and help improve the healthcare system not […]

Is Social Media Part of Your Clinical Trial Recruitment Strategies?

If you’re struggling with low patient enrollment in your clinical trials, you’re not alone: a staggering 85 percent of drug trials are delayed due to lack of enrollment. With enrollment rates continuing to drop even as more clinical trials are being conducted, the imperative is clear: clinical trial coordinators must seek new approaches in order […]

What Is On The Digital Horizon for Clinical Trial Recruitment?

Although peering into the future can often be an imprecise art, it is helpful to sometimes look down the road at potential strategies that might be able to improve the effectiveness of clinical trial recruitment. Many of these newer approaches will involve online marketing strategies that are beginning to post impressive results in other industries. […]

Clinical Trial Recruitment Considerations for 2015

As a time of reflection, a new year affords clinical trial recruiters the opportunity to look back on what worked well in 2014, and ponder what lies ahead for 2015. Here are some points that will need to be taken into consideration when thinking about strategy changes for the upcoming year:

Steps for Attracting Patient Participants in Clinical Trials

Engaging a broad range of participants is an important step for reliable data collection and usable outcomes. Today’s clinical study standards demand more patient participants and longer commitments. The pulse of the industry is reflected by a plethora of articles from professional sources like the Boston Globe, highlighting the fact that the cost of bringing […]

Why Patients Drop Out of Clinical Trials and What Marketers Can Do About It

Attracting patients for a clinical trial is one thing, keeping them involved from start to finish is another. Clinical trial marketers face the constant challenge of recruiting patients for clinical trials; however, dropouts can jeopardize the results of a trial, wasting valuable resources. For example, in “The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical […]

4 Ways to Raise a Clinical Trial’s Digital Profile

Recruiting patients for a clinical trial is always a marketer’s first priority. As more and more patients are turning to the Internet for information about their health, the same is true about patients looking to participate in a clinical trial.

Top 3 Reasons People Participate in Clinical Trials

One of the biggest challenges clinical trial marketers face is patient recruitment. Whether you are targeting your efforts online or are using more traditional methods of recruitment-or both-it is essential to understand the underlying reasons people sign up for a clinical trial. Identifying these motivating factors will help you to more successfully appeal to potential […]

Capitalize on Better Clinical Trial Design with Improved Clinical Trial Recruitment

An August 13 article by Henry I. Miller and S. Stanley Young asked whether designing better clinical trials would be helpful in lowering development costs and yielding more new pharmaceuticals. The authors urged designers of clinical trials to think outside the box to reduce the various diversity gaps in trial participants and moderate the […]