The Path to Making Clinical Trials More Patient-Centric
By incorporating features like wearables, at-home visits, and ride sharing services, trials can increase patient recruitment and retention.
It’s Time for Clearer Data Standards in Clinical Trials
The way clinical trials use patient data is rapidly changing, revealing a need for increased privacy regulations and standardization across the industry.
Microsoft Wants to Use Digital Technology to Improve Clinical Trial Efficiency
Another tech giant is entering the clinical trial market with the hopes of accelerating the drug development process.
The Negative Financial Impact of Patient Nonadherence in Clinical Trials
Patient nonadherence costs the clinical trial industry millions – but innovative new technologies may be able to help.
What Kind of Impact Can Homecare Have on Clinical Trial Recruitment and Retention?
In an increasingly patient-centric clinical environment, sponsors are finding they can improve enrollment outcomes by bringing the trial directly to the patients.
mHealth and Wearables: Improving Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment and Engagement
Emerging technologies promise to improve clinical trial efficiency across the board – but whether or not the industry will embrace them remains to be seen.
Are Wearables the Future of Clinical Trials?
The wearables market will be worth a whopping $12.6 billion by the year 2018, according to Statista. With the FDA now granting approval to wearable devices for use in clinical trials, this begs the question: what potential do wearables have to impact the clinical trial process? While the answer is simple (“profound”), the reality is more […]